Title - All My Pixels
Bio - Character Sheet
Comic 1 - Rock Paper Gun
Comic 2 - Ultimate Wizard Battle
Comic 3 - Storming the Keep
Comic 4 - Turn of Events
Comic 5 - The Practical Solution
Comic 6 - Mario is an Asshole
Comic 7 - More than Meets the Eye
Comic 8 - There's Evil Within
Comic 9 - He Does This All the Time
Comic 10 - A Thing Called Love
Comic 11 - People Understand What's Important
Comic 12 - Go Outside and Play
Comic 13 - He Really Grows on You
Comic 14 - Double Trouble
Comic 15 - As a Matter of Context
Comic 16 - If Donald Trump Became President
Comic 17 - The Long and Short of It
Comic 18 - Mekeninzo's Joke Corner #1
Title #2 - All My Pixels
Bio #2 - Character Development
Comic 19 - I Do Nazi What You See
Comic 20 - Great Expectations
Comic 21 - The Circle of Life
Comic 22 - Getting Nowhere Real Fast
Comic 23 - Daredevils
Comic 24 - One of Those Days
Comic 25 - The Truth of the Matter
Comic 26 - Conventional Wisdom
Comic 27 - A Game of Risk and Return
Comic 28 - Tripping Out
Comic 29 - There's a Problem Every Millennial

Misc 1 Misc 2 Misc 3 Misc 4 Misc 5 Misc 6

Posted on 2 July 2018 by Mekeninzo

Shit, almost a year since I've posted any updates. I'm really bad at this... Well anyway, got a new comic up in the midst of the chaos that is my life. Been working on coding projects and, recently, different art styles for drawing games. (Still pretty bad at it) Don't worry, I'll always keep updating this site until the day I die, but it'll take me a while unless I can figure out how to make money doing this. Happy Canada Day everyone!

Posted on 5 July 2017 by Mekeninzo

Last minute update!!! I'm getting married on the 8th of this month. Website activity has grinded to a halt because of that and because I'm working on a text-based game that is like Pok'emon. It's being coded in javascript and node.js. (Still putting the C++ game on the backburner). Hopefully I'll realize my dreams of making a video game where people around the world can battle for real money. Here's hoping I can stay focused enough to make it happen! I will eventually get around to making new comics, I promise. Hoping sometime around August. I do have several prototype comics writen down after all. The wedding is at Saint Anthony's church in Fredericton at 1pm on July 8th if anyone out there wants to come. Look forward to resumed website activity soon(ish)!

Posted on 8 May 2017 by Mekeninzo

It's finally finished, that thing that you didn't even know I was doing. I made the ultimate MMO and posted it to the site today. As you can see, there is a new silver login/register box on the side of the site. Sign up on up, login and click the games button from the menu to see what it's all about. (No it's not the C++ game)

Posted on 3 March 2017 by Mekeninzo

All My Pixels will be undergoing some major changes in the next few months. This comic is a collection of my thoughts, feelings and sense of humour. Basically the essence of me. Since this is the nature of my work, drastic changes in my life change the outcome of my work because I base a lot of my work on real life experiences. I encourage everyone to join me on this new adventure and I sincerely hope you enjoy yourselves. ^_^

Posted on 11 December 2016 by Mekeninzo

Hello everybody! I have recently added a rant section to my site, so I can share my opinions with all of you. Mostly because certain things irritate me and i want the world to know. I look forward to all the interesting emails I will receive because of it.

Posted on 19 September 2016 by Mekeninzo

I've been putting the comics on hold, yet again, to focus on learning C++ so I can code a video game. I probably should update the news section more than I have, and since I have just updated the site to make it easier to post news I just might. All of the data from my harddrive loss has either been recovered or recreated. Figured I should probably throw that out there. Learning to code a video game has been progressing fairly slowly, but I am making some decent progress. I imagine I'll post another comic when I get a chance or when I get around to making game graphics, since I'm going to be using a similar art style for the game. Thank you all for your support. I'll try to wrap this project up as fast as I can, but no guarantees it won't take a while.

Posted on 8 June 2016 by Mekeninzo

Finally have a new comic posted. Well technically it's an older comic I just modified to fit into the new style frames. School is coming to a close and once I have found a job it will be easier to make comics. However, I do have some bad news. My harddrive destroyed itself a while ago erasing most of my artwork for the comic, so I have been scrambling around trying to recover as much as i can. Unfortionatly it might take a while to get set back up and running. Thank you for your patience in this matter.

Posted on 4 October 2015 by Mekeninzo

As some of you may have realized, I haven't been posting that many new comics. That's because I'm currently studying at NBCC to be an electrician. I will still try to post a comic every once in a while whenever I'm not busy with school work (Which is hardly ever).

Posted on 9 May 2015 by Mekeninzo

Welcome to the grand opening of Mekeninzo Underground. From here on out I'm going to do my best to add a new comic every Monday. Come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy a good laugh.